Hi, I’m Anna Sophie.

Growing up, my answer to the question “what do you want to be when you grow up” was always “Author and Illustrator” and that is just what I’ve become — an author to the stories I believe help others heal and my ability to illustrate the many ways in which we can come home to ourselves, as Whole and Complete Beings. I also do literally write and create deeply meaningful things in ways that people can understand and receive. I help people see brands, concepts, ideas and realities in digestible, compassionate and marketable ways. I help you find your way of expression and empower your creations in a collaborative way.

I am a creator and a healer who uses intuition and a higher understanding to help craft and create a succinct brand message through visual components and written word. Whether it be creating content for a brand’s visual identity or crafting a personal website, my work is meant to elevate your offerings and help you be seen in the way your work is meant to be by your clients, customers and friends alike.


My Training + Credentials

BFA, Creative + Fashion Marketing, Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD)

2009-2013, Savannah, GA

500Hr. Yoga Therapy Certification, Loyola Marymount University (LMU)

OCTOBER 2017 - AUGUST 2018, Los Angeles, CA

Certified Positive Psychology Life Coach, Positive Acorn & ICF ACC Coaching

JANUARY 2018 - MAY 2018, Portland, OR

Certified Yoga Teacher, 500Hr. Yoga Therapy, Yoga Vidya Gurukul Ashram

OCTOBER 2015, Nasik, India

Certified Yoga Teacher, 200Hr, Sacred Thread Yoga

OCTOBER 2014- DECEMBER 2014, Atlanta, GA


Yoga Therapy 350 Hr. Intensive Training, Yoga Vidya Gurukul Ashram

OCTOBER 2015, Nasik, India

Yoga & Positive Psychology 150Hr. Training, Yoga Vidya Gurukul Ashram

NOVEMBER 2017, Nasik, India

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction 8 Week Training, East Cobb Yoga & Mindfulness

OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2016, Atlanta, GA

Y12SR: Yoga for 12 Step Recovery Training, Nikki Myers’ Y12SR Program

OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2016, Atlanta, GA

Reiki Level I & II Training, Wellspring Reiki

JUNE 2015, Atlanta, GA